Nano Biomedicine

Nano Biomedicine Vol.1 No.1 (2009.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.1 No.2 (2009.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.2 No.1 (2010.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.2 No.2 (2010.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.3 (Special Issue, 2011.6.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.3 No.1 (2011.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.3 No.2 (2011.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.4 No.1 (2012.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.4 No.2 (2012.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.5 No.1 (2013.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.5 No.2 (2013.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.6 No.1 (2014.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.6 No.2 (2014.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.7 No.1 (2015.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.7 No.2 (2015.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.8 No.1 (2016.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.8 No.2 (2016.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.9 No.1 (2017.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.9 No.2 (2017.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.10 No.1 (2018.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.10 No.2 (2018.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.11 No.1 (2019.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.11 No.2 (2019.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.12 No.1 (2020.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.12 No.2 (2020.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.13 No.1 (2021.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.13 No.2 (2021.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.14 No.1 (2022.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.14 No.2 (2022.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.15 No.1 (2023.6.30)   Nano Biomedicine Vol.15 No.2 (2023.12.30)

Nano Biomedicine Vol.16 No.1 (2024.6.30)



Nano Biomedicine is peer-reviewed open-access online journal in English published by the Nano Biomedical Society. Since the first issue was published in November of 2009.This printed journal will be distributed free of charge to members without delay, and will be mailed to various members and libraries. From 2009, the journal have been regularly published on J-STAGE ( Authors are recommended to follow the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations ( as well as this “Instructions to Authors” in preparation of their manuscripts.

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