Nano Biomedicine

Mutagenicity Risk of the Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) Using the Three-dimensional Cell Culture Medium with the Umu-test

Koichi IMAI1, Tsubasa SHIRAI1, Hiroki ISHIKAWA2, Tamaki NAKANISHI2, Shosuke MORITA2, Tetsunari NISHIKAWA3, Yoshitomo HONDA4, Muneyasu SHIDA5, and Fumio WATARI6
1Department of Biomaterials, 2First Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
3Department of Innovation in Dental Education, 4Institute of Dental Research,
5Department of Endodontics, Osaka Dental University, Osaka, Japan
6Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Nano Biomed 2016;8(1): 51-56, (June 30, Nano Biomedicine)

Carcinogens are mostly mutagens that cause genetic abnormalities as cancer initiators. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have been demonstrated to be mutagenic in many animal experiments. In the present study, we examined the mutagenicity of MWCNTs using an umu test for mutagenicity screening and the leakage of mutagens from MWCNTs, secondary to the exposure of cultured cells to MWCNTs, demonstrating no mutagenicity, although some values were nearly positive.

Key words: MWCNTs, mutagenicity, three-demensional cell culture, umu-test

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