The aim of this study is to investigate the role of hydroxyapatite (HAp) in novel apatite ionomer cement (AIC), an improved glass ionomer cement (GIC) that contains porous HAp. AIC samples were prepared using the latest conventional GIC, Fuji IX GP Extra
TM, with porous and spherical HAp (HApS), and were subjected to mechanical strength measurements, fluoride release test, scanning electron microscopy observations and multi-mineral release test, and were compared with IX-Ex, Fuji IX GP
TM(IX-GP) and S-PRG filler containing composite resin, Beautifil IITM (GIOMER). The flexural strength and fluoride release properties of AIC were significantly higher than those of IX-Ex. The release of fluoride, aluminum, silicon and phosphorus from AIC specimens was greater when compared with IX-Ex and GIOMER. Therefore, porous HAp improves both the strength and bioactive functions of GIC without losing the advantages of conventional GIC.
Key words: glass ionomer cement, hydroxyapatite, ion release, bioactive functions