In this study, we investigated a conductivity preparation for scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation that uses a solution containing the room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL) choline lactate, which is a natural product-based tertaammonium salt. By only immersion in the choline solution, clear SEM images of biological matter were successfully observed. In addition, we also succeeded in applying the RTIL preparation to energy-dispersed fluorescent X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and elemental distribution mapping (SEM-EDS). This is the first time that RTIL preparation has been applied to SEM-EDS measurement instead of conventional pretreatment such as carbon sputtering. These results suggested that simple and rapid conductivity preparation using the RTIL solution can be widely applied not only SEM observation but also to SEM-EDS of a variety of living mater.
Key words: room temperature ionic liquid, choline lactate, SEM, onductivity preparation, living matter