Nano Biomedicine

Interleukin-6 Expression in Three-dimensional Tumor Microenvironment using HSC-4 Cells

Tamaki NAKANISHI1, Kaname TSUJI2, Yuki MATSUSHIMA2, Koji YAMADA2, Kazuhiro MATSUMOTO2, Hiroaki YOSHIDA2, Tomio ISEKI2, Hideo SHIMIZU2,3, and Shosuke MORITA2

1Graduate School of Dentistry (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery), 2First Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Osaka Dental University, Osaka, Japan, 3Department of Clinical Gene Therapy, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan

Nano Biomed 2018; 10(1): 21-25, (Jun 30, Nano Biomedicine)

Reproduction of tumor microenvironment in vivo using the conventional 2- or 3-dimensional culture method is difficult because of the lack of extracellular matrix (ECM) and intercellular interaction. In this study, we tried to establish a 3-dimensional tumor environment using spheroids of oral cancer-derived cells. The Interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression level was high in the spheroids on measurement using the real-time RT-PCR method showing a difference from that in single cells. A representative inflammatory cytokine, IL-6, increases the activity of many types of cancer-derived cells, being involved in tumor formation and metastasis, and similar findings were noted in HSC-4 cells derived from human squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue, for which analysis of phenomena in the cellular interface in 3-dimensionally formed masses is expected. It is highly possible that this method is applicable for studies on the carcinogenicity of nanomaterials represented by asbestos.

Key words: spheroid, IL-6, HSC-4 cells

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